الخميس، 9 فبراير 2017

Alfred Nobel" the inventor of dynamite

Author: Amr Khaldony

"Alfred Nobel" the inventor of dynamite

Alfred Nobel

 (October 21, 1833 - December 10, 1896), engineer and inventor of the Swedish chemist, invented dynamite in 1867 and then recommended the most of his fortune earned from the invention to the Nobel prize named after him
Alfred Nobel

Nobel was the fourth son of a poor family consisting of Immanuel Nobel (1801-1872) and Ondric Ahsal Nobel (1805-1889), who married in 1827 and the couple had eight Obina.old Nobel in Stockholm on October 21, 1833.

Alfred Nobel moved with his family in 1842 to St. Petersburg, where his father worked in the machine tools industry and explosives also invented plywood and began work torpedoes. After the improvement of the physical status of the family, she was sent to teach Alfred Jr., where he excelled in his studies, especially in chemistry and languages, and was speaking English, French, German and Russian fluently.
Alfred studied chemistry with Professor Nikolay Zinin. He then moved to Paris in 1850, and when completed the 18 years he went to the United States to study chemistry for four years, and worked briefly with John Ericsson, and won the individual first patent for a gas meter in 1857.

The family factory produced weapons have been used in the Crimean War (1853-1856), and then faced difficulties in returning to normal domestic production at the end of the fighting, and have made a request for bankruptcy. In 1859 he became a factory in the care of the second son, Ludvig Nobel (1831-1888), which has improved its business significantly, and the return of Alfred from Russia to Sweden with his parents, he devoted himself to the study of explosives, private industry and the safe use of Natroyjlasrin (which was discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his colleagues under the supervision of Theophile Jules-Bellowz at the University of Turin). In 1863 Nobel invented the explosive device, and in 1865 he designed primers.

In the September 3, 1864, it blew up a shed was used for the preparation of Nitroglycerine in their factory area Helenburg in Stockholm, killing five people, including the younger brother of Alfred Emile. Right that other minor incidents but did not appear disturbed, and he built other factories with a focus on improving the stability of explosives. Nobel invented dynamite in 1867, a substance easier and safer to handle than Nitroglycerine. He received a patent for dynamite in the United States and the United Kingdom, and was used on a large global scale in the field of mining and construction of transport networks. In 1875 Nobel invented Aljganat (gelignite), a more stable and powerful than dynamite material, and in 1887 obtained a patent Alballsti (ballistite), a leading article of cordite

Nobel was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1884, the same institution that selects the winners of two Nobel prizes recommended founded later, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Uppsala in 1893.

The Nobel brothers Ludwig and Robert invest in the rich oil fields along the Caspian Sea and the crowd a huge fortune. Nobel to invest in these oil fields also contributed through the development of new oil areas. During his Nobel issued 350 patents internationally invention, and before his death, has established 90 factories for weapons, despite his belief in peace.

In 1891, after the death of his mother and his brother Ludwig and the end of the long-term relationship, Nobel moved from Paris to San Remo, Italy. Noble suffered a heart attack and died at his home due to a cerebral haemorrhage in 1896. The Nobel devoting most of his fortune without the knowledge of his family or his friends or colleagues to fund the Nobel Prizes, which was launched by his name. Nobel buried region (Norra Begravningsplatsen) in Stockholm.

his personal life

Alfred Nobel was a Christian committed and a member of the Lutheran Church Suedah.ccant the life of the Nobel process requires traveling a lot to keep the companies in different countries in Europe and North America, but it has always taken a dwelling in Paris from 1873 to 1891 and was the sole copyright due to passing through periods of depression. Although the Nobel marriage failure, he noted biographers presence of three women in his life. The Russian girl named Alexandra is the first love of the Nobel, which has rejected his request for marriage. In 1876 he became the Countess Bertha Kinsky assets of Austrian-Bohemian secretary of the Nobel. But after a short period of time she left him to marry her former lover, Baron Arthur von Suttner Gandhakar. Despite the short time she spent with his Nobel it was only that they were in constant contact until his death in 1896, and thought it was a major influence in his decision to include the Nobel Peace Prize, from among the awards given in his will. Bertha von Suttner was awarded the 1905 Nobel Peace Prize "for their activities sincere in peace."

The third Nobel longer-term relationship and was with Sophie Hess from Vienna met by the year 1876. The relationship lasted for 18 years. After his death, according to his biographer Aaflanov and Fluor and thou, it was locked Nobel messages in the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, but it was unveiled in 1955 to be included with the biography of the Nobel data.

Despite the lack of formal education, secondary and tertiary level, Nobel gained proficiency in six languages: Swedish, French, Russian, English, German and Italian. As was his literary skills, he wrote poetry in English. It has printed a literary work of the enemy (Nemesis) during the period of agony, a prose tragedy of four plays about Beatrice Sensi inspired in part by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Full inventory was destroyed except for three copies immediately after his death to be considered a scandal. It was published the first edition of the remaining (bilingual: Swedish-Esperanto) in Sweden in 2003. The play has been translated into Slovenian via the Esperanto version and French. In 2010 it has been published in Russian and the latest edition (bilingual: Russian-Esperanto).


Nobel discovered that when blending Nitroglycerine with an absorbent material such as inert (kieselguhr) becomes a safer and more convenient to handle, then got all this mixture patented in 1867 as the "dynamite." Accept the Nobel explosive article for the first time in that year, in a quarry Bradhel Sri County, England. To improve his company's name and image of the dangerous and controversial explosives incidents, he wanted to rename the article "Safety Nobel powder", but settled on the name of dynamite instead, in reference to the Greek word "power." The Nobel later blending Nitroglycerine with many vehicles nitrocellulose, a liquid tanning "collodion style", but settled on a more efficient combination by mixing among other explosive nitrate, and obtained a transparent material similar to the gel has a strong explosive than dynamite, and obtained a patent what he called "Jganat" or gel explosive in 1876, and was followed by similar groups and amendments by the addition of potassium nitrate and other materials are different. The Aljganat more stable and removable and shape more suitable for filling cavities of holes, such as those used in the drilling, mining, rather than the vehicles that were used in the past and adopted the standard as a technology for mining in the era of engineering allowing the Nobel great material profits, but on his health account. Resulted from that research to the invention of the Nobel Alballsti material, which is the introduction of many modern explosive powders smokeless is still used as a female in the missiles.

Nobel Prizes

In 1888, Alfred's brother Ludvig died during a visit to Cannes and the French newspaper to publish obituary of Alfred Nobel by mistake. It was denounced for his invention of dynamite and was told that resulted in the adoption of the decision to leave a better legacy after his death, and has written the obituary, among other "merchant of death is dead," said the French newspaper: "Dr Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, he died yesterday. " Nobel was disappointed that he read and Artabh concern about his memory after his death, the eyes of the people.

In November 1895 27, Nobel signed his last will have Norwegian Swedish club in Paris, devoted the bulk of his company to establish the Nobel Prizes awarded annually without distinction of nationality of the winner. After taxes and bequests to individuals, Nobel has allocated 94% of total value of 31,225,000 SEK for the establishment of five Nobel Prizes, and the amount is equivalent to 1,687,837 pounds at the time. In 2012, the capital of the Nobel prizes totaled approximately (472 million US dollars or 337 million euros), double the amount of the first capital almost, taking into account inflation in the currency.

Awarded the first three prizes in the natural sciences, chemistry, medical science or physiology, and awarded the fourth prize of literary works "in an ideal direction", and the fifth prize is awarded to a person or community in which the greatest service for International Peace, such as reducing the armies, or in the creation or strengthening of peace conferences . There is no Nobel Prize for mathematics, but see Apple Award.

It provoked literary award a lot of confusion, a prize given for literary works that are "in an ideal direction." For many years the Swedish Academy interpreted the word (idealistisk) meaning "perfect" and that was a reason for not giving the prize to a book are important but less romantic, like Henrik Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy. Since then it has been revised interpretation and awarded the prize for example to Dario Fo and José Saramago, who do not belong to the ideal of literary category.

There was room for interpretation by the authorities appointed by the Nobel to take decisions on the physics and chemistry prizes, since it is not consulted before placing his will. The first page of his will, Nobel stipulated that the money go to discoveries or inventions in the natural sciences or for improvements in the field of chemistry. So it opened the way for technological awards, but did not put instructions on how to distinguish between science and technology. So the authorities concerned to take the decision to grant awards to scientists and not for technicians or engineers or other inventors.

In 2001, he asked the grandson of a brother of Alfred Nobel, Peter Nobel (born in 1931), the Riksbank to distinguish the prize awarded to economists under the name of "the anniversary of Alfred Nobel" for the five other awards. That raised a lot of controversy whether the Bank of Sweden's prize in Economic Sciences "in memory of Alfred Nobel" is actually a "Nobel Prize".
His death
December 10, 1896, Sanremo, Italy

1. ^ exceeded the top for: A B "Nobel of Peace Laureates". March 2013. briefed him on 8 December 2013. - For seven years, from 1894 to 1901, Söderblom preached in Paris, where his congregation included Alfred Nobel

2. ^ exceeded the top for: A B "Alfred Nobel, hans far och hans bröder". March 2013. briefed him on 9 December 2013. (swe: Genom dop och konfirmation var Alfred Nobel lutheran -en: Alfred Nobel was through baptism and confirmation a Lutheran)

3- ^ Britannica, Alfred Nobel

4- ^ Encyclopedia of Modern Europe: Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, "Alfred Nobel", 2006 Thomson Gale.

5- ^ "The Man Who Made It Happen - Alfred Nobel". 3833. Retrieved 3 May 2012.

6- ^ Carlisle, Rodney (2004). Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries, p. 6-256. John Wiley & Songs, Inc., New Jersey. ISBN 0-471-24410-4.

7- ^ Fant, Kenne (Ruuth, Marianne, transl.) (1991). A lfred Nobel: a biography. New York: Arcade Publishing ISBN 1-55970-328-8, p. 327

8- ^ "No Nobel Prize for Math". snopes.com. Retrieved 2009-11-20.

9- ^ "Alfred Nobels familie tar avstand fra økonomiprisen"

"Alfred Nobel" the inventor of dynamite

personal information
October 21, 1833
Stockholm, Sweden

December 10, 1896 (63 years old)
Sanremo, Italy

  The cause of death        

St. Petersburg (1842-)

Sweden Swedish

Protestant Lutheran

    Member of the    
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    health problem    
knock down

     the father     
Immanuel Nobel

brothers and sisters    
Ludvig Nobel, and Robert Nobel

  practical life       

Engineer and inventor and chemist

John Fritz Medal (1910)

Monument to Alfred Nobel in Austria.


Death mask of Alfred Nobel displayed in his home in Sweden

amr khaldony

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