الثلاثاء، 7 فبراير 2017

The life of Mustafa Mahmoud

Author: Amr Khaldony

The life of Mustafa Mahmoud

General Information and cultural Adbeh.malomat about the life story of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud: a scientist, writer, doctor and writer and an artist was born in the Egyptian province of Menoufia Egypt in 1921, he studied medicine and graduated in 1953, but he devoted himself to writing and research in 1960.

He has authored 89 books, ranging from small story and novel scientific and philosophical, social and political books in addition to religious thought and mysticism and politely through trips, and his style is characterized by force and gravity and simplicity.

Presented 400 episodes of his TV show famous (science and faith) and Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud establishment of a mosque in Cairo, his name is "Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque" in 1979 and followed him, "Mahmoud Mosque Society," which includes "Mahmoud Hospital" and "Mahmoud Eye Center" and other medical centers add to Library and the Museum of Geology and another aquatic center and an astronomical.

The life of Mustafa Mahmoud:

Mustafa Mahmoud graduated from the Faculty edging medicine, even though he turned professional medicine specialist in neurosurgery, it was Nabga in literature since he was a student, and they publish his short stories in "Rose Al-Youssef" magazine, has worked for a period after graduation, which led him to a career writing, when President Nasser issued a decree banning the combination of two, was Mustafa Mahmoud and then combines membership Order of doctors, journalists, and so he decided to dispense with membership of the Order of physicians, depriving himself of the practice of the profession forever, preferring to belong to the journalists' Syndicate, working Kodeb and thinker.

Personal Biography:

When sailing in the world, Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud thinker converge many waves of thought, literature, philosophy and mysticism and science, he is a man people filled his thoughts and opinions that have emerged through his works, which range from the story and the novel and drama, and literature scientific, philosophical, social, political and travel literature, as well as thousands of articles of various newspapers and magazines, and 400 episodes of his television show the famous "science and faith" .

Mustafa Mahmoud, a program of science and faith:

Mustafa Mahmoud story goes that when displayed on a TV project of science and faith program, approved television earmarked 30 pounds for a loop!, And thus failure of the project since its inception, however, a business science subject Vantage program at his own expense to become of the most popular television programs and the most widespread ever, still everyone remember the nine o'clock Monday evening and mournful flute introduction to the program and editorial Mustafa Mahmoud (hi ​​everybody!) However, as a whole beautiful things had to be the end, unfortunately, there's someone issued a decree lifting the program from the map of TV programs !! He said his son Adham Mustafa Mahmoud afterwards that the decision to stop the program issued by the Egyptian presidency to the then Information Minister Safwat al-Sharif, the pressures of Zionism.

- Best known for continuing his attack on Zionism, and his opinion that the Jews behind the tentacles of corruption and corruption network in the whole world, causing unnecessary and there is a guard on the door of his home years ago, commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior , to guard after threats received by, or isolated from public life as he saw other!

Honoring DrMustafa Mahmoud culturally:

On Monday, 2/6/2008 AD wrote the Saudi poet Faisal Akram an article in the (cultural) - version of the weekly newspaper (the island) entitled (name the mystery of life memory .. Memory name Mustafa Mahmoud) and demanded the newspaper to issue file (special issue) Mustafa Mahmoud - a tribute him, and already .. in the history of Monday, 7/7/2008 AD issued special issue of cultural island, and it was from cover to cover for Mustafa Mahmoud, and I've included the writings of the file to thirty educated Arab lover Mustafa Mahmoud, and most notably: d. Ghazi al-Gosaibi, d. Zaghloul El-Naggar, d. Ibrahim Awad, d. Sayar beautiful .. and other writers, intellectuals, academics and artists, as well as the poet Faisal Akram, who set up the entire file and submit exceptionally.

 The work of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud literary:

Islam in the ditch - a visit to the Commission and the fire - the rulers of the world and the great hereafter - Psychology Koranic new - Political Islam and the upcoming battle - great conspiracy - the world of secrets - on the brink of suicide - God and man - eat to live - the smell of blood - the devil - the mystery of death - my journey of skepticism to faith - the mystery of life - a man below zero -alqran try to understand the modern.

His death

Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud died valuable at seven thirty on the morning of Saturday, October 31, 2009, corresponding to 12 November 1430, after the treatment journey lasted several months at the age of 88 years, has been the funeral of his mosque engineers.

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